Anatol Vieru

Anatol Vieru (Romanian pronunciation: [anaˈtol viˈeru]; 1926–1998) was a music theoretician, influential pedagogue, and a leading Romanian-Jewish[1] composer of the 20th century. A pupil of Aram Khachaturian, he composed seven symphonies, eight string quartets, numerous concertos, and much chamber music. He also wrote three operas: Iona (1976), Praznicul Calicilor (1981), and Telegrame, Tema si Variatiuni (1983). He was awarded Herder Prize in 1986.[2]

List of works

Dramatic: Iona (op, 1, after M. Sorescu and sketches by M.C. Escher), 1972–5, concert perf. Bucharest, 31 Oct 1976; Praznicul calicilor [The Feast of the Beggars] (op, after M. Sorbul), 1978–80, Berlin, 1991; Telegrame (mini-op, after I.L. Caragiale), 1983; Tema cu variatiuni [Theme and Variations] (mini-op, after Caragiale), 1983; Ultimele zile, ultimele ore [The Last Days, the Last Hours] (op, 3, after A.S. Pushkin: Motsart i Sal'yeri and M.A. Bulgakov: Poslednie dni [The Last Days]), 1990–95

Film scores (names of dirs. in parentheses): Când primavara e fierbinte [When Spring is Hot] (M. Saucan), 1960; Ciucurencu (E. Nussbaum), 1964; Procesul alb [The White Trial] (I. Mihu), 1965; Brâncusi la Târgu-Jiu [Brâncusi at Târgu-Jiu] (Nussbaum), 1966; Soarele negru [Black Sun] (S. Popovici), 1968; O suta de lei [100 Lei] (M. Saucan), 1972; Felix si Otilia [Felix and Otilia] (Mihu), 1974; Marele singuratic [The Great Lonesome] (Mihu), 1976; Intoarcera lui Voda Lapusneanu [Lapusneanu's Return] (M. Ursianu), 1979


Symphonies: no.1 ‘Oda tacerii’ [Ode to Silence], 1967; no.2, 1973; no.3 ‘La un cutremur’ [Earthquake Sym.], 1978; no.4, 1982; no.5 (M. Eminescu), chorus, orch, 1984–5; no.6 [Exodus], 1989; no.7 ‘Anul soarelui calm’ [The Year of the Silent Sun], 1992–3

Other: Suita în stil vechi [Suite in an Olden Style], for strings, 1945; Dansuri simfonice, 1952; Concerto for Orchestra, 1954–5; Flute Concerto, 1958; Simfonia de camera, 1962; Cello Concerto, 1962; Jocuri (Jeux), piano, orchestra, 1963; Violin Concerto, 1964; Clepsidra I (Sonnenuhr), 1968–9; Muzeu muzical [Museum Music], harpsichord, 12 strings, 1968; Screen (Ecran), 1969; Clarinet Concerto, 1975; Sinfonietta, 1975; Concerto for violin, cello and orchestra, 1979; Sinfonia concertante, cello and orchestra, 1987; Narration II, sax and orchestra, 1985; Memorial, 1990; Psalm, 1993; Piano Concerto ‘Caleidoscop’, 1993; Malincolia furiosa, viola and orchestra, 1994; Hibernal, panpipes, strings, 1995; Flute Concerto no.2, 1996; Guitar Concerto, 1996; Musik, organ and strings, 1996; Elegia II, cello, doublebass and chamber orchestra, 1998


Choral: Mierla lui Ilie Pintilie [Ilie Pintilie's Blackbrid] (cant.), 1949; Miorita [The Ewe Lamb] (oratorio), 1957; Cantata anilor lumina [Light Years Cant.] (N. Cassian), 1960; Scene nocturne (F. García Lorca), 2 choruses, 1964; Vocale [Vowels] (G. Ungaretti), female chorus, 1963; Clepsidra II (folk texts), chorus, panpipes, cymbal, orchestra, 1971; Fratele cel sarac [The Poor Brother] (I. Neculce), 1993; Daniil, 1994; In marea apusului [In the Sea of Sunsets], chorus, trumpet, timpani, 1998

Solo: Muzica pentru Bacovia si Labis [Music for Bacovia and Labis], 1959–63: 1. The Struggle against Inertia, Mezzo-soprano, Tenor, flute, violin, piano; 2. Nocturnes and Resonances of Bacovia, Soprano, flute, piano; 3. Truces, Mezo-soprano, piano; Discul lui Newton [Newton's Disc], 12 solo vv, 1972; 4 unghiuri din care am vazut Florenta [4 Angels to See Florence], soprano, piano/harpsichord, 1–2 percussionists, 1973; Cântec arhaic de dragoste [Ancient Love Songs] (Bible: Solomon): I. Sage mir an, Mez, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, 1985 II. O that you were a Brother to Me, 8vv, 1987 III. Siehe, du bist schön, Mez, a sax, 1985 IV. Fa-ma precum o pecete [Set Me as a Seal upon your Heart], 4vv, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, 1989 V. Ja nartsis saronskij [I am a Rose of Sharon], chorus, 1987; Poveste [Marches], Sprechstimme, percussion, 1993; Archipelagos, Baritone, vibraphone, 1994; Dechanson (T. Tzara), 4vv, 1995; Questions et responses (P. Celan, P. Solomon), 4vv, 1995; Iarba ochilor tai [The Grass of your Eyes] (Celan), 4vv, 1997

Chamber and solo instrumental

String quartets: no.1, 1955, no.2, 1956; no.3, soprano and string quartet, 1973; no.4, 1980; no.5, 1982; no.6, 1986; no.7, 1987; no.8, 1991

Other: Clarinet Quintet, 1957; Kammersymphonie, 1962; Trepte ale tacerii [Steps of Silence], string quartet, percussion, 1966; Nautilos, piano, tape, 1969; Sita lui Eratostene [The Riddle of Eratosthanes], clarinet, violin, viola, cello, piano, 1969; Nasterea unui limbaj [The Birth of a Language], piano 4 hands, 1971; Mozaicuri [Mosaics], 3 percussionists, 1972; Iosif si fratii sai [Joseph and his Brothers], 11 instruments, tape, 1979; Scoica [Shell], 15 strings, 1982; Double Duos, a sax/b clarinet, vib/mar, 1983; Ma–jo–r Music, flute, clarinet, harp, string quartet, 1984; Metasaks, sax, dea (1984); Soroc I, 6 studies, percussion, 1984; Soroc II, 7 instruments, 1984; Sonata, violin, cello, 1984–5; Diaphonie, cello, doublebass, 1987; Trînta [Wrestling], sax, percussion, 1987; Epistolaire, a flute, piano, 1988; Multigen, a flute, oboe, a sax, percussion, piano, 1988; Giusto, sax, 2 guitars, synth, percussion, 1989; Versete [Verses], 1989; Sax Quartet, 1990; Sax-Vier, sax quartet, 1991; Trio microtonic, bassoon, guitar, doublebass, 1992; Feuerwerk, flute, violin, vibraphone, 1994; Craciun [Christmas], violin, piano, 1994; Canto, oboe, percussion, 1995; Couple, clarinet, viola, 1995; Duo leggiero, flute, percussion, 1995; Rubato, oboe, percussion, 1995; Toccatina, 2 guitar, 1995; Chanson de geste, guitar, cello, 1996; Gruss, violin, cello, piano, organ, 1996; Masca [Masks], flute, cello, doublebass, 1996; Canon und Fuge, piano 4 hands, 1997; Elegia I, sax, organ, 1997; Et in Arcadia ego, 3 recorders, 1997; Posviascenie [Dedication], trumpet, cello, timpani, 1997; Trio, violin, cello, piano, 1997; Centaurus, sax, trombone, percussion, 1998

Solo: Din lumea copiilor [From the Realm of Childhood], 8 miniatures, piano, 1958; Sonata, cello, 1963, arr. cello, percussion (1977); Narration, organ, 1973; Piano Sonata, 1976; Pelinarium, synthesizer, 1986; Dar I [Gift], flute, 1988; Dar II, cello, 1989; Design-Dasein, flute+a flute+piccolo, 1993; Piano Sonata, 1994; Ritmuri [Rhythms], piano, 1994; Adio, piano, 1996; Eppur si muove, flute, 1996; Sandu, piano, 1996; Schöntok, piano, 1996; Capriccio, violin, 1997; Voeu, piano, 1997


  1. ^
  2. ^ Opera Glass